
Showing posts from August, 2017


Insulators are substance which does not readily conduct electricity or Insulators are those substances which offer such a huge resistance. Di-electric strength is the term used for comparing insulation property of an insulator.   Properties An ideal insulator has the following properties a)       High Resistivity Insulators are those substances which offer such a huge resistance, that they allow practically no electricity. b)       Di-electric strength All insulator conduct electricity if subjected to apply extreme voltage. The voltage at which the material lost his insulating property is known as di-electric strength or breakdown voltage. c)       Mechanical strength The insulating material must be mechanically strong enough to carry tension and weight of conductor d)      Ability to withstand moisture Their must not be any entrance on the surface of electrical in...


A generator is a machine which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works on the principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. DC Generators produce the direct current. Ordinary generator working             The figure shows two pole and one coil generator, two slip rings are connected with the two terminals of the coil.  Figure 1: The coil is at 90 degree to the field, there will be no cutting of flux so no emf is produced Figure 2: The coil sides are parallel to the field; hence maximum emf will be induced Figure 3: The coil is in the same position as in figure 1, but ab side is downwards and cd is upwards, there is no voltage will be induced. Figure 4: It is similar to figure 2, maximum emf is induced but in the reverse direction. Figure 5: In this way a cycle of ac voltage is completed.  Commutation Commutation in a dc machine is the process of converting alternating c...


Conductors are materials with electrons are loosely bound to their atoms or materials that permit free motion of a large number of electrons. Atoms with only one valance electron such as copper, silver, gold are examples of good conductors. Most of the metals are good conductors Properties of electrical conductors             In equilibrium condition the conductors exhibit the following properties a)       Resistance Conductors are those substances which offer such a small resistance b)       Inductance When a conductor is used as ac supply a magnetic flux is produced, which consist of two parts. One is internal flux and other is external flux. The internal flux is very low as compare to external flux. Due to this flux linkage to the conductor itself an inductance is come into picture. This inductance results in extra voltage drop in conductors. More over this induct...