I Meter (Smart Energy Meter)

         The method that is followed by energy providing companies, in this generation is, there are large numbers of employees that are placed to take the energy meter reading manually. It is taken once in a month, throughout the year. The readings are taken and noted in their dairy, which is then submitted to the utility company. The bill is then printed and sent to their respective homes. This is the process that is followed until this day.
This process has certain disadvantages. They are:
               i.     An hefty amount of money is spent on employees assigned for data collection.This is in terms of wages, allowances, perks, pensions, etc.
             ii.     May take faulty reading unknowingly by an employee during data collection.That is by noting wrong reading, cause mistakes during calculation, etc.
         To overcome these drawbacks we have come with a new method. In this method the energy meter is replaced by a new setup. This setup provides the energy meter reading to the utility company through wireless communication, without any human interventions. This project explains in detail, how the data’s (energy meter reading) can be sent to utility company.
               In this project, the energy meter reading that is consumed by the load is send to the energy providing company through wireless communication. The device used for transmission of data is the Zigbee Module. The Programmable Logic controller, controls and perform the task according to program installed in it. The continuous energy meter reading that is consumed by the load is displayed in the SCADA-Supervisor control and data acquisition screen.


3.1       Introduction
              An electricity meter, electric meter, or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically powered device. In this project we records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less using plc and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes. This smart energy meter can gather data (energy consumption details) for remote reporting.
3.2       Principle
        The energy consumption can be sensed through a current sensor. Then this consumption details is send through energy providing company for billing purpose by zigbee technology. This system is controlled by program logic controller. The current transformer is used as current sensor
3.3.      Block diagram        

Fig no: 3.1 Block Diagram of proposed system.

S1          -           supply of user 1
S2          -           supply of user 2
SCC       -           Signal condition circuit
C.T         -           Current Transformer
P.T         -           Potential Transformer
PLC       -           Program Logic Controller
3.4       Working
               The consumer provide 230V, 50Hz ac supply, by using current transformer and potential transformer we can detect the power consumed. This detected value is subjected to pass program logic controller (PLC) through an analog to digital converter port (ADC port). The ADC port is in built in the PLC. The PLC record & calculate the power consumed and transmit the gathered data to Zigbee for billing purpose. The zigbee transmitter transmit the gathered data in customer side and zigbee receiver receive this data in KSEB side. By using computer in KSEB the gathered data is pass through SCADA screen. In this side the billing purpose is take place.
3.5       Circuit Diagram

Fig no: 3.2 Circuit Diagram of proposed system.
 3.5.1.   Circuit Description
The shown figure is the circuit diagram for our proposed system. For this system we consider two users. Each user contains a Current transformer and a Potential transformer which measures current and voltage respectively. A Programmable Logic controller (PLC) receives the input values. According to program installed in it, an output is send wirelessly through a Zigbee module.   The resultant value in analog form, therefore to make it into a digital form, Signal Conditioning circuit is provided. The Signal Conditioning circuit consists of a full bridge rectifier, filter capacitor and protection circuit (variable resistor, Zener diode). The data received wirelessly can be acquired in the SCADA screen.
3.6       Program
3.6.1.   Program Description

D110   -        ADC 1
D111   -        ADC 2
D112   -        ADC 3
D114   -        ADC 4
·        First initialize the two output Y0 and Y1.
·        Current and voltage values of the two loads are kept in D0, D10 and D50, D60 respectively.
·        Multiple the register of corresponding current and voltage to get power of the respective loads.
·        The value is then divided corresponding to the required rate.
·        The increment in the value is per minute, which is counted by C0. The increment in the number of minutes is done by C1.
·        When the switch is opened, the value of the register must be the same and not zero. For that instruction     is used.
·        Timers are provided to cont. the delay in the respective register.
·        RESET code is given to clear the register after every process.
4.1       Current transformer (CT):
     It is a transformer which converts the primary current into a smaller secondary current.

Fig no: 4.1 for current sensing logic

               A transformer is a device which consists of two windings called primary and secondary. It transfers energy from one side to another with suitable change in the level of current or voltage. A current transformer basically has a primary coil of one or more turns of heavy cross-sectional area. In some, the bar carrying high current may act as a primary. This connected in series with the line carrying high current                  
4.2      Potential transformer (PT):
It is used to primary alternating voltage into a fixed proportion for measurement purpose 

Fig no: 4.2 basic PT

              The construction of PT is similar to normal transformer. These are extremely accurate ratio step down transformers. The windings are low power rating windings. Primary winding consist of large number of turns while secondary has less number of turns. The primary is connected to the low range voltmeter coil. One end of secondary is always grounded for safety purpose.
 4.3       Signal Condition Circuit (SCC): 
                 Signal conditioning means manipulating an analog signal in such a way that it meets the requirements of the next stage for further processing. Most common use is in analog to digital converters. SCC consist three basic parts rectifier, filter and protective circuit. In this project 3NXW10 IC is used as a rectifier, capacitive filters of 1000 uF is used as filter, zener diode and 1K potentiometer is used as protective circuit.
4.3.1    Rectifier 
   A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC), which flows in only one direction. The process is known as rectification. Physically, rectifiers take a number of forms, including vacuum tube diodes, mercury-arc valves, copper and selenium oxide rectifiers, semiconductor diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers and other silicon-based semiconductor switches.

                                                Fig no: 4.3 Bride Rectifier (DB106)

4.3.2    Capacitor Filter

         The simple capacitor filter is the most basic type of power supply filter. The application of the simple capacitor filter is very limited. The capacitor filter is also used where the power-supply ripple frequency is not critical; this frequency can be relatively high. Full-wave rectifier with a capacitor filter. When this filter is used, the RC charge time of the filter capacitor (C1) must be short and the RC discharge time must be long to eliminate ripple action. In other words, the capacitor must charge up fast, preferably with no discharge at all. Better filtering also results when the input frequency is high; therefore, the full-wave rectifier output is easier to filter than that of the half-wave rectifier because of its higher frequency
4.4       RELAY:
      A relay is an electrically operated switch. Relays are used where it is necessary to control circuit by a low-power signal or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.in project we use the relay FRM1H-1CS2-DC12V
FRM1H-Relay model
1C - CONTACT ARRANGEMENT - 1C: 1 Form C, 1A: 1 Form A

Miniature high power relay with big performance in small package
High contact capacity
Designed for the use of heavy duty
Slim type and low cost
Dust cover and sealed type is available
4.5       Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
        A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures. PLCs are used in many industries and machines. Unlike general-purpose computers, the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-backed-up or non-volatile memory.
               The PLC mainly consists of a CPU, memory areas and appropriate circuits to receive input/output data. We can actually consider the PLC to be a box full of hundreds or thousands of separate relays, counters, timers and data storage locations. The schematic view of PLC as shown below.

Fig no: 4.5 Architecture of PLC

INPUT RELAYS-These are connected to the outside world. They physically exist and receive signals from switches, sensors, etc. Typically they are not relays but rather they are transistors.
INTERNAL UTILITY RELAYS- These do not receive signals from the outside world nor do they physically exist. They are simulated relays and are what enables a PLC to eliminate external relays. There are also some special relays that are dedicated to performing only one task. Some are always on while some are always off. Some are on only once during power-on and are typically used for initializing data that was stored.
COUNTERS-These again do not physically exist. They are simulated counters and they can be programmed to count pulses. Typically these counters can count up, down or both up and down. Since they are simulated they are limited in their counting speed. Some manufacturers also include high-speed counters that are hardware based. We can think of these as physically existing. Most times these counters can count up, down or up and down.
TIMERS-These also do not physically exist. They come in many varieties and increments. The most common type is an on-delay type. Others include off-delay and both retentive and no retentive types. Increments vary from 1ms through 1s.
OUTPUT RELAYS (coils) - these are connected to the outside world. They physically exist and send on/off signals to solenoids, lights, etc. They can be transistors, relays, or triacs depending upon the model chosen.
DATA STORAGE-Typically there are registers assigned to simply store data. They are usually used as temporary storage for math or data manipulation. They can also typically be used to store data when power is removed from the PLC. Upon power-up they will still have the same contents as before power was removed.
4.5.1    PLC Operation
        A PLC works by continually scanning a program. We can think of this scan cycle as consisting of 3 important steps. There are typically more than 3 but we can focus on the important parts and not worry about the others. Typically the others are checking the system and updating the current internal counter and timer values.
Step 1-CHECK INPUT STATUS-First the PLC takes a look at each input to determine if it is on or off. In other words, is the sensor connected to the first input on? How about the second input? How about the third... It records this data into its memory to be used during the next step.
Step 2-EXECUTE PROGRAM-Next the PLC executes your program one instruction at a time. Maybe your program said that if the first input was on then it should turn on the first output. Since it already knows which inputs are on/off from the previous step it will be able to decide whether the first output should be turned on based on the state of the first input. It will store the execution results for use later during the next step.
Step 3-UPDATE OUTPUT STATUS-Finally the PLC updates the status of the outputs. It updates the outputs based on which inputs were on during the first step and the results of executing your program during the second step.
Compared with electro-mechanical relay systems, PLCs offer the following additional advantages
1. Ease of programming and reprogramming the plant.

2. A programming language that is based on relay wiring.

3. High reliability and minimal maintenance.

4. Small physical size.

5. Ability to communicate with computer systems in the plant.

6. Moderate to low initial investment cost.

7. Rugged construction.

8. Modular design.
                 In this project we use DVP-ES/EX PLC. DVP-ES/EX series provides MPU with 14 ~ 60 points and 8 ~ 32 points of extension. The maximum I/O points including those on the MPU can reach 128 points. DVP ES/EX can be used for various applications with its different I/O points, power supply and digital I/O extension modules.

                                                   Fig no: 4.6 Delta PLC used in this project.

4.6       Zigbee module:
Zigbee modules are designed with low to medium transmit power and for high reliability wireless networks. The modules require minimal power and provide reliable delivery of data between devices. The interfaces provided with the module help to directly fit into many industrial applications. The modules operate within the ISM 2.4-2.4835 GHz frequency band with IEEE 802.15.4 baseband                                                           
                  Zigbee builds on the physical layer and media access control defined in IEEE standard 802.15.4 for low rate WPANs. The specification includes four additional key components: network layer, application layer, Zigbee device objects (ZDOs) and manufacturer- defined application objects which allow for customization and favor total integration. ZDOs are responsible for a number of tasks, including keeping track of device roles, managing requests to join a network, as well as device discovery and security
Features of zigbee used in this project
§  Supply voltages Vcc – 3.3 to 3.6 V dc
§  Operating frequency – ISM 2.4 GHz
§  Range – 0 to 1m
§  Operating temperature – -40 to 85 degree cercus
§  RF data rate – 250 kbps 

Fig no: 4.7 Zigbee (Xbee) Pro
Zigbee Networks
This Zigbee supports two types of networking protocols.

1. Zigbee Net
·  Simple configuration and operation
·  Point to point, Point to multipoint networking

2. Zigbee Mesh
     Supports proprietary mesh networking protocol

The user needs to specify the choice of the protocol before procuring the modules. The
Default protocol provided with the module is Zigbee Net.

 Zigbee Net
               Net uses the simpler form of networking between Zigbee modules and it supports Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint networks by simple configuration.
  Every RF data packet sent on air contains a Source Address and Destination Address field in its header. To send a packet to a specific module using 16-bit addressing, set the destination address parameter to the desired address. All the modules can be configured with their own unique 16-bit addresses. Nodes can be grouped to communicate among themselves with the PAN ID parameter. This Zigbee module provides 16 different channels for RF communication and each direct sequence channel has 64K unique network addresses.
 Network Types
TARANG supports the following types of networks.
1)                  Unicast Network
2)                  Broadcast Network
3)                  Peer to peer Network or Point to point Network
In this project we use Broadcast Network
Broadcast Network
                In Broadcast Network only one module will broadcast the data to all other modules, and then each individual module will respond to that. There is no communication between the individual modules except “Broadcasting Module”. Consider the fig, only master module will broadcast to all the slave modules and then each slave module will respond to master module only. There is no communication between slave modules.

                                       Fig no: 4.8 Broadcast Networking
4.7 LOAD:
  In this project two lamps of 60W & 100W is used as load.

4.8 Supervisor control and data acquisition (SCADA):

              SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a system operating with coded signals over communication channels so as to provide control of remote equipment (using typically one communication channel per remote station). The supervisory system may be combined with a data acquisition system by adding the use of coded signals over communication channels to acquire information about the status of the remote equipment for display or for recording functions. It is a type of industrial control system (ICS). Industrial control systems are computer-based systems that monitor and control industrial processes that exist in the physical world.
               SCADA is software which displays the reading of the parameters consumed by the loads. Continuous reading are been taken, irrespective of the need of KSEB. The readings of each respective consumer is displayed in Computers/Laptops. The previous data's or the readings displayed in the display are automatically stored in memory, which is useful for billing purposes, and the further needs.

5.1       WPLSoft 2.36:
      WPLSoft is a program-editing software made for the Delta DVP-PLC series used under WINDOWS. Except for general program planning and other general functions (e.g. cut, paste, copy, multi-windows, etc.) of WINDOWS, WPLSoft, in addition, has provided various Chinese/English commentary-editing and other special functions (e.g. survey and edit the listed register, the setup, the data readout, the file saving, and monitor and set up diagrams of various contacts, etc.).

Fig no: 5.1 WPLsoft

5.2       Wonderware InTouch 10.1:
    Wonderware InTouch, the quickest and easiest way to create human-machine interface (HMI) applications for the Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems. InTouch is a component of the Wonderware Factory Suite. InTouch applications span the globe in a multitude of vertical markets including food processing, semiconductors, oil and gas, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, transportation, utilities, and more
          The InTouch Application Manager organizes the applications you create. It also is used to configure Window Viewer as an NT service, to configure Network Application Development (NAD) for client-based and server-based architectures, to configure Dynamic Resolution Conversion (DRC) and/or distributed alarming. The DBDump and DBLoad database utilities are also launched from the Application Manager.
Fig no: 5.2 Wonderware InTouch

5.3 KEPServerEX:

      This software is used to interface PLC and SCADA. In this software displays the register in which data is placed. This data is sent to the SCADA. Hence the KEPServerEX places the data to be transmitted to the SCADA that is the Wonderware intouch 10.1.

Fig no: 5.3 KEPServerEX
               Using PT and CT, the PLC calculate the energy consumption and sent it to scada screen through the zigbee module. In final scada the ‘n’ users energy consumption data are received this data is stored a memory location and finally issue the bill based on this energy consumption data. This is suitable for both mobile and stationary use.
              The number of employees required by the utility company for taking the energy meter reading would be drastically reduced. Therefore a hefty amount of money can be saved by avoiding the provision of wages, allowances, perks, pensions, etc., to the employees assigned by the utility company. Therefore a large profits can be saved by the KSEB. Since there is no involvement of employees for taking the energy meter reading. An accurate energy meter reading is obtained through this system. The following below are some benefits of smart energy meter

               i.     Reading your meter and generating your bill without having a representative visit your property on a regular basis.

             ii.     Reducing the time needed to handle service orders, such as starting or stopping power.

           iii.     Remotely checking a meter to ensure it is working properly.

           iv.     Reducing the number of vehicles on the road, resulting in less pollution and fuel savings because in-person meter readings are not required.

             v.     Power outage notification – In the event of a power outage in your area, Smart Meters help us better manage power restoration.

           vi.     Reducing electricity theft.

         vii.     Lot of paper works can be reduced. Therefore data cannot get lost. It is saved in the memory for further variation

      a)     Accessing energy usage information online – view your hourly and daily usage.
    b)   Offering innovative rate options that meet your lifestyle – better manage your energy usage and control your energy bill.
     c)   Replace zigbee with RTU.
   d)     Replace DVP-ES PLC with TP04P PLC
e) Powerfactor measurement 

             By this project we conclude that energy meter reading can be sent to the providing company through a wireless communication. Through this system we have total control over the distribution. The following merits we can see that the system is of low cost and maintenance. This system can acquire accurate data's and this data's can be stored in the computer, for further procedure (such as billing). No paper works is required, hence saving the environment. Therefore the wireless communication meter reading is highly required by utility companies like KSEB, etc. Thus this system required for the future generation.

 demo model

working model



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