A permanent magnet is a ferromagnetic material (alloy of iron, nickel and cobalt). When magnet is freely suspended, it come rest pointing north and south directions. The end, which points towards north, is known as North Pole and other towards south is called South Pole. The area around the magnet is called magnetic field, a magnetic field cannot be seen, felt, smell or heard and therefore it is difficult to represent it. Michael Faraday suggested that magnetic field could be represented pictorially by imaging the field to consist of lines of magnetic flux. Magnets are divided into two general classes A) Natural magnet B) Artificial magnet Natural magnet – The natural magnets are found in nature and they are known as Lodestone or leading stone. The natural magnet has chemical compensation of Fe3O4 Artificial Magnet – The magnet prepared by artificial method is called artificial magnet. It is classified as a) ...